[ Module Hierarchy
| Class Hierarchy ]
Module Hierarchy
- csb: CSB is a high-level, object-oriented library used to solve problems
in the field of Computational Structural Biology.
- csb.apps: Root package for all executable CSB client programs.
- csb.apps.bfit: Python application for robust structure superposition of two
- csb.apps.bfite: Python application for robust structure superposition of an
ensemble of structures.
- csb.apps.buildhmm: Build an HMM from a FASTA sequence.
- csb.apps.csfrag: CSfrag: build a dynamic library of analogous fragments, given a
list of assigned chemical shifts.
- csb.apps.embd: Sharpening of EM maps by non-negative blind deconvolution.
- csb.apps.helloworld: This is a CSB HelloWorld dummy application.
- csb.apps.hhfrag: HHfrag: build a dynamic variable-length fragment library for
protein structure prediction with Rosetta AbInitio.
- csb.apps.hhsearch: Python bindings for the HHsearch program.
- csb.apps.precision: Measure the precision and coverage of a fragment library stored in
Rosetta NNmake format.
- csb.apps.promix: ProMix: Take a protein structure ensemble and find a mixture of
rigid segments or a mixture of conformers.
- csb.bio: Core bioinformatics abstractions and I/O.
- csb.build: CSB build related tools and programs.
- csb.core: Generic containers, data structures and language extensions.
- csb.io: Generic I/O utility objects.
- csb.io.plots: Plotting facilities, based on Python's MPL library.
- csb.io.tsv: Read, query and update textual tables via flexible SQL interface.
- csb.numeric: Low level numeric / math utility functions.
- csb.statistics: Statistics root package.
- csb.statmech: Methods for statistical mechanics
- csb.test: This is a top level package, hosting the entire CSB test framework.