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Various Monte Carlo equilibrium sampling algorithms, which simulate only one Markov chain.
Here is how to sample from a PDF using the HMCSampler class. In the following snippet we draw 5000 samples from a 1D normal distribution and plot them:
>>> import numpy >>> from csb.io.plots import Chart >>> from csb.statistics.pdf import Normal >>> from csb.statistics.samplers import State >>> from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import HMCSampler
>>> initial_state = State(numpy.array([1.])) >>> grad = lambda q, t: q >>> timestep = 1.5 >>> nsteps = 30 >>> nsamples = 5000
>>> sampler = HMCSampler(Normal(), initial_state, grad, timestep, nsteps)
>>> states = [] >>> for i in range(nsamples): sampler.sample() states.append(sampler.state)
>>> print('acceptance rate:', sampler.acceptance_rate) 0.8
>>> states = [state.position[0]for state in states] >>> chart = Chart() >>> chart.plot.hist([numpy.random.normal(size=5000), states], bins=20, normed=True) >>> chart.plot.legend(['numpy.random.normal', 'HMC']) >>> chart.show()
First, several things which are being needed are imported. As every sampler in this module implements a Markov Chain, an initial state has to be chosen. In the following lines, several parameters are set:
The empty list states is initialized. It will serve to store the
samples drawn. In the loop, sampler.sample()
is repeatedly
called. After each call of sampler.sample()
, the current
state of the Markov Chain is stored in sampler.state and this state is
appended to the sample storage list.
Then the acceptance rate is printed, the numeric values are being extracted from the State objects in states, a histogram is created and finally plotted.
Classes | |
AbstractNCMCSampler Implementation of the NCMC sampling algorithm (Nilmeier et al., "Nonequilibrium candidate Monte Carlo is an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation", PNAS 2011) for sampling from one ensemble only. |
AbstractSingleChainMC Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms simulating only one ensemble. |
HMCSampler Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC, also called Hybrid Monte Carlo by the inventors, Duane, Kennedy, Pendleton, Duncan 1987). |
NCMCProposalCommunicator Holds all information (that is, the trajectory with heat, work, Hamiltonian difference and jacbian) needed to calculate the acceptance probability in the AbstractNCMCSampler class. |
RWMCSampler Random Walk Metropolis Monte Carlo implementation (Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Teller, Teller 1953; Hastings, 1970). |
SimpleProposalCommunicator This holds all the information needed to calculate the acceptance probability in both the RWMCSampler and HMCSampler classes, that is, only the proposal state. |
Variables | |
__package__ =
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