Package csb :: Package statistics :: Package samplers :: Package mc :: Module singlechain
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Source Code for Module

  1  """ 
  2  Various Monte Carlo equilibrium sampling algorithms, which simulate only one Markov chain. 
  4  Here is how to sample from a PDF using the L{HMCSampler} class. In the following 
  5  snippet we draw 5000 samples from a 1D normal distribution and plot them: 
  8      >>> import numpy 
  9      >>> from import Chart 
 10      >>> from csb.statistics.pdf import Normal 
 11      >>> from csb.statistics.samplers import State 
 12      >>> from import HMCSampler 
 14      >>> initial_state = State(numpy.array([1.])) 
 15      >>> grad = lambda q, t: q 
 16      >>> timestep = 1.5 
 17      >>> nsteps = 30 
 18      >>> nsamples = 5000 
 20      >>> sampler = HMCSampler(Normal(), initial_state, grad, timestep, nsteps) 
 22      >>> states = [] 
 23      >>> for i in range(nsamples): 
 24              sampler.sample() 
 25              states.append(sampler.state) 
 27      >>> print('acceptance rate:', sampler.acceptance_rate) 
 28      0.8 
 30      >>> states = [state.position[0]for state in states] 
 31      >>> chart = Chart() 
 32      >>> chart.plot.hist([numpy.random.normal(size=5000), states], bins=20, normed=True) 
 33      >>> chart.plot.legend(['numpy.random.normal', 'HMC']) 
 34      >>> 
 37  First, several things which are being needed are imported. 
 38  As every sampler in this module implements a Markov Chain, an initial state has to be 
 39  chosen. In the following lines, several parameters are set: 
 40      - the gradient of the negative log-probability of the PDF under consideration 
 41      - the integration timestep 
 42      - the number of integration steps to be performed in each iteration, that is, the HMC 
 43        trajectory length 
 44      - the number of samples to be drawn 
 46  The empty list states is initialized. It will serve to store the samples drawn. 
 47  In the loop, C{sampler.sample()} is repeatedly called. After each call of C{sampler.sample()}, 
 48  the current state of the Markov Chain is stored in sampler.state and this state is appended 
 49  to the sample storage list. 
 51  Then the acceptance rate is printed, the numeric values are being extracted from the 
 52  L{State} objects in states, a histogram is created and finally plotted. 
 53  """ 
 55  import numpy 
 56  import csb.numeric 
 57  import csb.core 
 59  from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod 
 61  from csb.statistics.samplers import State 
 62  from import AbstractMC, MCCollection, augment_state 
 63  from import MDPropagator 
 64  from import NonequilibriumStepPropagator 
 65  from csb.numeric.integrators import FastLeapFrog 
 66  from csb.numeric import InvertibleMatrix 
67 68 69 -class AbstractSingleChainMC(AbstractMC):
70 """ 71 Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms simulating 72 only one ensemble. 73 74 @param pdf: probability density function to sample from 75 @type pdf: subclass of L{csb.statistics.pdf.AbstractDensity} 76 77 @param state: Initial state 78 @type state: L{State} 79 80 @param temperature: Pseudo-temperature of the Boltzmann ensemble 81 M{p(x) = 1/N * exp(-1/T * E(x))} with the 82 pseudo-energy defined as M{E(x) = -log(p(x))} 83 where M{p(x)} is the PDF under consideration 84 @type temperature: float 85 """ 86 87 __metaclass__ = ABCMeta 88
89 - def __init__(self, pdf, state, temperature=1.):
90 91 super(AbstractSingleChainMC, self).__init__(state) 92 93 self._pdf = pdf 94 self._temperature = temperature 95 self._nmoves = 0 96 self._accepted = 0 97 self._last_move_accepted = None
99 - def _checkstate(self, state):
100 if not isinstance(state, State): 101 raise TypeError(state)
103 - def sample(self):
104 """ 105 Draw a sample. 106 107 @rtype: L{State} 108 """ 109 110 proposal_communicator = self._propose() 111 pacc = self._calc_pacc(proposal_communicator) 112 113 accepted = None 114 if numpy.random.random() < pacc: 115 accepted = True 116 else: 117 accepted = False 118 119 if accepted == True: 120 self._accept_proposal(proposal_communicator.proposal_state) 121 122 self._update_statistics(accepted) 123 self._last_move_accepted = accepted 124 125 return self.state
126 127 @abstractmethod
128 - def _propose(self):
129 """ 130 Calculate a new proposal state and gather additional information 131 needed to calculate the acceptance probability. 132 133 @rtype: L{SimpleProposalCommunicator} 134 """ 135 pass
136 137 @abstractmethod
138 - def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
139 """ 140 Calculate probability with which to accept the proposal. 141 142 @param proposal_communicator: Contains information about the proposal 143 and additional information needed to 144 calculate the acceptance probability 145 @type proposal_communicator: L{SimpleProposalCommunicator} 146 """ 147 pass
149 - def _accept_proposal(self, proposal_state):
150 """ 151 Accept the proposal state by setting it as the current state of the sampler 152 object 153 154 @param proposal_state: The proposal state 155 @type proposal_state: L{State} 156 """ 157 158 self.state = proposal_state
160 - def _update_statistics(self, accepted):
161 """ 162 Update the sampling statistics. 163 164 @param accepted: Whether or not the proposal state has been accepted 165 @type accepted: boolean 166 """ 167 168 self._nmoves += 1 169 self._accepted += int(accepted)
170 171 @property
172 - def energy(self):
173 """ 174 Negative log-likelihood of the current state. 175 @rtype: float 176 """ 177 return -self._pdf.log_prob(self.state.position)
178 179 @property
180 - def acceptance_rate(self):
181 """ 182 Acceptance rate. 183 """ 184 185 if self._nmoves > 0: 186 return float(self._accepted) / float(self._nmoves) 187 else: 188 return 0.0
189 190 @property
191 - def last_move_accepted(self):
192 """ 193 Information whether the last MC move was accepted or not. 194 """ 195 return self._last_move_accepted
196 197 @property
198 - def temperature(self):
199 return self._temperature
201 202 -class HMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
203 """ 204 Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC, also called Hybrid Monte Carlo by the inventors, 205 Duane, Kennedy, Pendleton, Duncan 1987). 206 207 @param pdf: Probability density function to be sampled from 208 @type pdf: L{csb.statistics.pdf.AbstractDensity} 209 210 @param state: Inital state 211 @type state: L{State} 212 213 @param gradient: Gradient of the negative log-probability 214 @type gradient: L{AbstractGradient} 215 216 @param timestep: Timestep used for integration 217 @type timestep: float 218 219 @param nsteps: Number of integration steps to be performed in 220 each iteration 221 @type nsteps: int 222 223 @param mass_matrix: Mass matrix 224 @type mass_matrix: n-dimensional L{InvertibleMatrix} with n being the dimension 225 of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of 226 the position / momentum vectors 227 228 @param integrator: Subclass of L{AbstractIntegrator} to be used for 229 integrating Hamiltionian equations of motion 230 @type integrator: L{AbstractIntegrator} 231 232 @param temperature: Pseudo-temperature of the Boltzmann ensemble 233 M{p(x) = 1/N * exp(-1/T * E(x))} with the 234 pseudo-energy defined as M{E(x) = -log(p(x))} 235 where M{p(x)} is the PDF under consideration 236 @type temperature: float 237 """ 238
239 - def __init__(self, pdf, state, gradient, timestep, nsteps, 240 mass_matrix=None, integrator=FastLeapFrog, temperature=1.):
241 242 super(HMCSampler, self).__init__(pdf, state, temperature) 243 244 self._timestep = None 245 self.timestep = timestep 246 self._nsteps = None 247 self.nsteps = nsteps 248 self._mass_matrix = None 249 self._momentum_covariance_matrix = None 250 self._integrator = integrator 251 self._gradient = gradient 252 253 self._setup_matrices(mass_matrix) 254 255 self._propagator = self._propagator_factory()
257 - def _setup_matrices(self, mass_matrix):
258 259 self._d = len(self.state.position) 260 261 self._mass_matrix = mass_matrix 262 if self.mass_matrix is None: 263 self.mass_matrix = InvertibleMatrix(numpy.eye(self._d), numpy.eye(self._d)) 264 265 self._momentum_covariance_matrix = self._temperature * self.mass_matrix
267 - def _propagator_factory(self):
268 """ 269 Factory which produces a L{MDPropagator} object initialized with 270 the MD parameters given in __init__(). 271 272 @return: L{MDPropagator} instance 273 @rtype: L{MDPropagator} 274 """ 275 276 return MDPropagator(self._gradient, self._timestep, 277 mass_matrix=self._mass_matrix, 278 integrator=self._integrator)
280 - def _propose(self):
288 - def _hamiltonian(self, state):
289 """ 290 Evaluates the Hamiltonian consisting of the negative log-probability 291 and a quadratic kinetic term. 292 293 @param state: State on which the Hamiltonian should be evaluated 294 @type state: L{State} 295 296 @return: Value of the Hamiltonian (total energy) 297 @rtype: float 298 """ 299 300 V = lambda q: -self._pdf.log_prob(q) 301 T = lambda p: 0.5 *,, p)) 302 303 return T(state.momentum) + V(state.position)
305 - def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
306 307 cs = proposal_communicator.current_state 308 ps = proposal_communicator.proposal_state 309 310 pacc = csb.numeric.exp(-(self._hamiltonian(ps) - self._hamiltonian(cs)) / 311 self.temperature) 312 313 if self.state.momentum is None: 314 proposal_communicator.proposal_state.momentum = None 315 else: 316 proposal_communicator.proposal_state.momentum = self.state.momentum 317 318 return pacc
319 320 @property
321 - def timestep(self):
322 return self._timestep
323 324 @timestep.setter
325 - def timestep(self, value):
326 self._timestep = float(value) 327 if "_propagator" in dir(self): 328 self._propagator.timestep = self._timestep
329 330 @property
331 - def nsteps(self):
332 return self._nsteps
333 334 @nsteps.setter
335 - def nsteps(self, value):
336 self._nsteps = int(value)
337 338 @property
339 - def mass_matrix(self):
340 return self._mass_matrix
341 @mass_matrix.setter
342 - def mass_matrix(self, value):
343 self._mass_matrix = value 344 if "_propagator" in dir(self): 345 self._propagator.mass_matrix = self._mass_matrix
347 348 -class RWMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
349 """ 350 Random Walk Metropolis Monte Carlo implementation 351 (Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Teller, Teller 1953; Hastings, 1970). 352 353 @param pdf: Probability density function to be sampled from 354 @type pdf: L{csb.statistics.pdf.AbstractDensity} 355 356 @param state: Inital state 357 @type state: L{State} 358 359 @param stepsize: Serves to set the step size in 360 proposal_density, e.g. for automatic acceptance 361 rate adaption 362 @type stepsize: float 363 364 @param proposal_density: The proposal density as a function f(x, s) 365 of the current state x and the stepsize s. 366 By default, the proposal density is uniform, 367 centered around x, and has width s. 368 @type proposal_density: callable 369 370 @param temperature: Pseudo-temperature of the Boltzmann ensemble 371 M{p(x) = 1/N * exp(-1/T * E(x))} with the 372 pseudo-energy defined as M{E(x) = -log(p(x))} 373 where M{p(x)} is the PDF under consideration 374 @type temperature: float 375 """ 376
377 - def __init__(self, pdf, state, stepsize=1., proposal_density=None, temperature=1.):
378 379 super(RWMCSampler, self).__init__(pdf, state, temperature) 380 self._stepsize = None 381 self.stepsize = stepsize 382 if proposal_density == None: 383 self._proposal_density = lambda x, s: x.position + \ 384 s * numpy.random.uniform(size=x.position.shape, 385 low=-1., high=1.) 386 else: 387 self._proposal_density = proposal_density
389 - def _propose(self):
390 391 current_state = self.state.clone() 392 proposal_state = self.state.clone() 393 proposal_state.position = self._proposal_density(current_state, self.stepsize) 394 395 return SimpleProposalCommunicator(current_state, proposal_state)
397 - def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
398 399 current_state = proposal_communicator.current_state 400 proposal_state = proposal_communicator.proposal_state 401 E = lambda x: -self._pdf.log_prob(x) 402 403 pacc = csb.numeric.exp((-(E(proposal_state.position) - E(current_state.position))) / 404 self.temperature) 405 406 return pacc
407 408 @property
409 - def stepsize(self):
410 return self._stepsize
411 412 @stepsize.setter
413 - def stepsize(self, value):
414 self._stepsize = float(value)
416 417 -class AbstractNCMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
418 """ 419 Implementation of the NCMC sampling algorithm (Nilmeier et al., "Nonequilibrium candidate Monte 420 Carlo is an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation", PNAS 2011) for sampling from one 421 ensemble only. 422 Subclasses have to specify the acceptance probability, which depends on the kind of 423 perturbations and propagations in the protocol. 424 425 @param state: Inital state 426 @type state: L{State} 427 428 @param protocol: Nonequilibrium protocol with alternating perturbations and propagations 429 @type protocol: L{Protocol} 430 431 @param reverse_protocol: The reversed version of the protocol, that is, the order of 432 perturbations and propagations in each step is reversed 433 @type reverse_protocol: L{Protocol} 434 """ 435 436 __metaclass__ = ABCMeta 437
438 - def __init__(self, state, protocol, reverse_protocol):
439 440 self._protocol = None 441 self.protocol = protocol 442 self._reverse_protocol = None 443 self.reverse_protocol = reverse_protocol 444 445 pdf = self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian 446 temperature = self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian.temperature 447 448 super(AbstractNCMCSampler, self).__init__(pdf, state, temperature)
450 - def _pick_protocol(self):
451 """ 452 Picks either the protocol or the reversed protocol with equal probability. 453 454 @return: Either the protocol or the reversed protocol 455 @rtype: L{Protocol} 456 """ 457 458 if numpy.random.random() < 0.5: 459 return self.protocol 460 else: 461 return self.reverse_protocol
463 - def _propose(self):
464 465 protocol = self._pick_protocol() 466 467 gen = NonequilibriumStepPropagator(protocol) 468 469 traj = gen.generate(self.state) 470 471 return NCMCProposalCommunicator(traj)
473 - def _accept_proposal(self, proposal_state):
474 475 if self.state.momentum is not None: 476 proposal_state.momentum *= -1.0 477 else: 478 proposal_state.momentum = None 479 480 super(AbstractNCMCSampler, self)._accept_proposal(proposal_state)
481 482 @property
483 - def protocol(self):
484 return self._protocol
485 @protocol.setter
486 - def protocol(self, value):
487 self._protocol = value
488 489 @property
490 - def reverse_protocol(self):
491 return self._reverse_protocol
492 @reverse_protocol.setter
493 - def reverse_protocol(self, value):
494 self._reverse_protocol = value
496 497 -class SimpleProposalCommunicator(object):
498 """ 499 This holds all the information needed to calculate the acceptance 500 probability in both the L{RWMCSampler} and L{HMCSampler} classes, 501 that is, only the proposal state. 502 For more advanced algorithms, one may derive classes capable of 503 holding the neccessary additional information from this class. 504 505 @param current_state: Current state 506 @type current_state: L{State} 507 508 @param proposal_state: Proposal state 509 @type proposal_state: L{State} 510 """ 511 512 __metaclass__ = ABCMeta 513
514 - def __init__(self, current_state, proposal_state):
515 516 self._current_state = current_state 517 self._proposal_state = proposal_state
518 519 @property
520 - def current_state(self):
521 return self._current_state
522 523 @property
524 - def proposal_state(self):
525 return self._proposal_state
527 528 -class NCMCProposalCommunicator(SimpleProposalCommunicator):
529 """ 530 Holds all information (that is, the trajectory with heat, work, Hamiltonian difference 531 and jacbian) needed to calculate the acceptance probability in the AbstractNCMCSampler class. 532 533 @param traj: Non-equilibrium trajectory stemming from a stepwise protocol 534 @type traj: NCMCTrajectory 535 """ 536
537 - def __init__(self, traj):
538 539 self._traj = None 540 self.traj = traj 541 542 super(NCMCProposalCommunicator, self).__init__(traj.initial,