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Low level numeric / math utility functions.
Submodules | |
Classes | |
InvertibleMatrix Matrix object which is intended to save time in MCMC sampling algorithms involving repeated integration of Hamiltonian equations of motion and frequent draws from multivariate normal distributions involving mass matrices as covariance matrices. |
MatrixInitError |
Functions | |||
tuple |
(n,n) numpy.array |
(3,3) numpy.array |
Variables | |
EULER_MASCHERONI = 0.577215664902
EXP_MAX = 709
EXP_MIN = -308
LOG_MAX = 1e+308
LOG_MIN = 1e-308
__package__ =
Function Details |
Calculate axis and angle of rotation from a three dimensional rotation matrix.
Convert randian angles to torsion angles.
Calculate the dihedral angle between 4 vectors, representing 4 connected points. The angle is in range [-180, 180].
Calculate a three dimensional rotation matrix from the euler angles.
Calculate the euler angles from a three dimensional rotation matrix.
Safe version of exp, clips argument such that overflow does not occur.
Reconstruct d-dimensional vector from polar coordinates.
Reconstruct 3-dimensional vector from polar coordinates.
Gower, J.C. (1966). Some distance properties of latent root and vector methods used in multivariate analysis. Biometrika 53: 325-338
Check if input array has no imaginary part.
Safe version of log, clips argument such that overflow does not occur.
Return the logarithm of the sum of exponentials.
Return the logarithm of the accumulated sums of exponentials.
Compute the logarithm of the 1D integral of x, using trepezoidal approximation. Assumes x is monotonically increasing. |
Compute the logarithm of the 1D integral of x, using trepezoidal approximation. Assumes x and y is monotonically increasing. |
Calculate the Eucledian norm of a d-dimensional vector.
Polar coordinate representation of a d-dimensional vector.
Polar coordinate representation of a three-dimensional vector.
Convert radians angles to torsion angles.
Calculate a three dimensional rotation matrix for a rotation around the given angle and axis.
Approximate the integral of f from a to b in two dimensions, using Composite Simpson's rule.
Approximate the integral of f from a to b in two dimensions, using trepezoidal approximation.
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