Matrix object which is intended to save time in MCMC sampling
algorithms involving repeated integration of Hamiltonian equations of
motion and frequent draws from multivariate normal distributions
involving mass matrices as covariance matrices. It can be initialized
either with the matrix one wants to use or its inverse. The main feature
compared to standard numpy matrices / arrays is that it has also a
property "inverse", which gives the inverse matrix. If the
matrix (its inverse) is changed, the inverse (regular matrix) is
calculated only when needed. This avoids costly matrix inversions.
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature |
source code
Inherited from object :
__delattr__ ,
__format__ ,
__getattribute__ ,
__hash__ ,
__new__ ,
__reduce__ ,
__reduce_ex__ ,
__repr__ ,
__setattr__ ,
__sizeof__ ,