Package csb :: Package numeric :: Module integrators :: Class FastLeapFrog
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Class FastLeapFrog

source code

        object --+        
AbstractIntegrator --+    
              LeapFrog --+

Leap Frog integration scheme implementation that calculates position and momenta at unequal times by concatenating the momentum updates of two successive integration steps. WARNING: intermediate points in trajectories obtained by FastLeapFrog.integrate(init_state, length, return_trajectories=True) are NOT to be interpreted as phase-space trajectories, because position and momenta are not given at equal times! In the initial and the final state, positions and momenta are given at equal times.

Nested Classes

Inherited from AbstractIntegrator: __metaclass__

Instance Methods
integrate(self, init_state, length, mass_matrix=None, return_trajectory=False)
Integrates equations of motion starting from an initial state a certain number of steps.
source code

Inherited from LeapFrog: integrate_once

Inherited from AbstractIntegrator: __init__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from LeapFrog: __abstractmethods__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

integrate(self, init_state, length, mass_matrix=None, return_trajectory=False)

source code 

Integrates equations of motion starting from an initial state a certain number of steps.

  • init_state - Initial state from which to start integration
  • length - Nubmer of integration steps to be performed
  • mass_matrix - Mass matrix
  • return_trajectory - Return complete Trajectory instead of the initial and final states only (PropagationResult). This reduces performance.
Returns: AbstractPropagationResult
Overrides: AbstractIntegrator.integrate
(inherited documentation)