Package csb :: Package test :: Class CustomTestBuilder
[frames] | no frames]

Class CustomTestBuilder

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         object --+    
AbstractTestBuilder --+

Build a test suite of cases, marked as custom tests. CustomTestBuilder will search for functions, marked with the 'custom' test decorator, which return a dynamically built unittest.TestSuite object when called without parameters. This is convenient when doing data-related tests, e.g. instantiating a single type of a test case many times iteratively, for each entry in a database.

For detailed documentation see AbstractTestBuilder.

Nested Classes

Inherited from AbstractTestBuilder: __metaclass__

Instance Methods
loadFromFile(self, file)
Load csb.test.Cases from a module file.
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loadTests(self, namespace)
Load csb.test.Cases from the given CSB namespace.
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Inherited from AbstractTestBuilder: loadAllTests, loadMultipleTests

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  __abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

loadFromFile(self, file)

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Load csb.test.Cases from a module file.

  • file - test module file name
Returns: unittest.TestSuite
a unittest.TestSuite ready for the test runner
Overrides: AbstractTestBuilder.loadFromFile
(inherited documentation)

loadTests(self, namespace)

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Load csb.test.Cases from the given CSB namespace. If the namespace ends with a wildcard, tests from sub-packages will be loaded as well. If the namespace is '__main__' or '.', tests are loaded from __main__.

  • namespace - test module namespace, e.g. '' will load tests from '/csb/test/cases/bio/'
Returns: unittest.TestSuite
a unittest.TestSuite ready for the test runner
Overrides: AbstractTestBuilder.loadTests
(inherited documentation)

Property Details


Get Method: