Package csb :: Package core
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Source Code for Package csb.core

   1  """ 
   2  Generic containers, data structures and language extensions. 
   4  This module has several functions: 
   6      1. provides a set of reusable, probably encapsulated collection containers 
   7         and supporting infrastructure: L{BaseDictionaryContainer}, 
   8         L{BaseCollectionContainer}; also L{AbstractIndexer} 
  10      2. provides some missing generic data structures or data types: 
  11         L{OrderedDict}, L{Stack}; also the heavily used, type-safe L{enum} class 
  12         and some generic pattern implementations like L{singleton} or L{Proxy} 
  14      3. serves as a compatibility layer, making it possible to develop CSB as 
  15         platform- and Python version-independent: string, L{iterable}, L{metaclass} 
  17  In order to ensure cross-interpreter compatibility, checking for string instances 
  18  in CSB must always be implemented like this: 
  20      >>> isinstance("s", string) 
  22  because "basestring" is not available in Python 3. Also, metaclass definitions 
  23  other than abstract classes must be implemented as follows: 
  25      >>> MyClassBase = metaclass(MetaClass, base=BaseClass) 
  26      >>> class MyClass(MyClassBase): 
  27              pass 
  29  See also the notes about compatibility in L{}.              
  30  """ 
  32  import re 
  33  import sys 
  34  import time 
  35  import threading 
  37  from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod 
  39  try: 
  40      string = basestring 
  41  except NameError: 
  42      string = str 
43 44 45 -class InterruptibleThread(threading.Thread):
47 - def __init__(self, target, name=None, args=[], kwargs={}):
48 49 super(InterruptibleThread, self).__init__(target=target, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) 50 self.setDaemon(True) 51 self.__result = None 52 self.__target = target 53 self.__name = name 54 self.__args = args 55 self.__kwargs = kwargs
56 57 @property
58 - def result(self):
59 return self.__result
61 - def run(self):
62 try: 63 self.__result = self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) 64 except Exception as ex: 65 sys.stderr.write(ex) 66 self.__result = None
68 -def singleton(klass):
69 """ 70 Singleton class decorator. 71 """ 72 instances = {} 73 74 def get(): 75 if klass not in instances: 76 instances[klass] = klass() 77 return instances[klass]
78 79 return get 80
81 -class validatedproperty(property):
82 """ 83 Property decorator with predefined getter/setter and value checking 84 or casting in the setter. The provided function will be the validator 85 and must take and return a value. 86 87 If the property is named C{foo}, a private field named C{_foo} will 88 be used to store the value. 89 90 Example: 91 92 >>> @validatedproperty 93 >>> def a(v): 94 >>> v = int(v) 95 >>> if v < 0: 96 >>> raise ValueError(v) 97 >>> return v 98 99 """
100 - def __init__(self, validator):
101 = '_' + validator.__name__ 102 self.__doc__ = validator.__doc__ 103 self.validator = validator 104 self.argcount = validator.__code__.co_argcount 105 assert 1 <= self.argcount <= 2
107 - def __get__(self, instance, cls):
108 if instance is None: 109 return self 110 return getattr(instance,
112 - def __set__(self, instance, value):
113 value = self.validator(value) if self.argcount == 1 else \ 114 self.validator(instance, value) 115 setattr(instance,, value)
117 -class typedproperty(property):
118 """ 119 Property decorator for convenient creation of typed, encapsulated fields. 120 The provided function must be a dummy, only its name is used. 121 122 Example: 123 124 >>> @typedproperty(float) 125 >>> def b(): 126 >>> pass 127 128 """
129 - def __init__(self, type):
130 self.type = type
132 - def __call__(self, func):
133 assert func() is None 134 = '_' + func.__name__ 135 self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ or '' 136 if '@type:' not in self.__doc__: 137 self.__doc__ += '@type: ' + self.type.__name__ 138 return self
140 - def __get__(self, instance, cls):
141 if instance is None: 142 return self 143 return getattr(instance,
145 - def __set__(self, instance, value):
146 if not isinstance(value, self.type): 147 raise TypeError('expected {0}, got {1}'.format(self.type, type(value))) 148 setattr(instance,, value)
150 -class Proxy(object):
151 """ 152 Base class implementing the proxy pattern. Subclasses that define 153 a customized constructor must call super().__init__(subject) for proper 154 initialization. 155 156 @param subject: an arbitrary object, hidden behind the proxy 157 """ 158
159 - def __init__(self, subject):
160 self._subject = subject
162 - def __getattr__(self, name):
163 try: 164 return object.__getattribute__(self, name) 165 except AttributeError: 166 subject = object.__getattribute__(self, '_subject') 167 return getattr(subject, name)
169 -class REMatchProxy(object):
171 - def __init__(self, match):
172 173 self._start = [match.start()] 174 self._end = [match.end()] 175 self._groups = match.groups() 176 177 for i, dummy in enumerate(self._groups, start=1): 178 self._start.append(match.start(i)) 179 self._end.append(match.end(i))
181 - def start(self, group=0):
182 try: 183 if not group >= 0: 184 raise IndexError 185 return self._start[group] 186 except IndexError: 187 raise IndexError('no such group')
189 - def end(self, group=0):
190 try: 191 if not group >= 0: 192 raise IndexError 193 return self._end[group] 194 except IndexError: 195 raise IndexError('no such group')
197 - def groups(self):
198 return self._groups
200 -class Stack(list):
202 - def push(self, item):
203 """ 204 Push an item onto the top of the stack 205 """ 206 self.append(item)
208 - def peek(self):
209 """ 210 Return the object at the top of the stack without removing it 211 """ 212 if self.empty(): 213 raise IndexError('peek in empty list') 214 return self[-1]
216 - def empty(self):
217 """ 218 Return True if the stack is empty 219 """ 220 return len(self) == 0
222 -def iterable(obj):
223 """ 224 Return True if C{obj} is a collection or iterator, but not string. 225 This is guaranteed to work in both python 2 and 3. 226 227 @rtype: bool 228 """ 229 if hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): 230 if not isinstance(obj, string): 231 return True 232 233 return False
235 -def metaclass(meta, base=object):
236 """ 237 Return a new class with parent class C{base} and metaclass C{meta}. 238 This works in both python 2 and 3. 239 """ 240 return meta("NewBase", (base,), {})
242 -def deepcopy(obj, recursion=100000):
243 """ 244 Perform a deep copy of obj using cPickle. Faster than copy.deepcopy() 245 for large objects. 246 247 @param obj: the object to copy 248 @return: a deep copy of obj 249 @param recursion: maximum recursion limit 250 @type recursion: int 251 """ 252 from import Pickle 253 254 current = sys.getrecursionlimit() 255 sys.setrecursionlimit(recursion) 256 257 tmp = Pickle.dumps(obj, Pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) 258 copy = Pickle.loads(tmp) 259 260 sys.setrecursionlimit(current) 261 return copy
263 -def _deserialize_enum(enum, name):
264 return getattr(enum, name)
266 -class EnumValueError(ValueError):
267 pass
269 -class EnumMemberError(AttributeError):
270 pass
272 -class EnumItem(object):
274 - def __init__(self, name, value, enum):
275 self.__name = name 276 self.__value = value 277 self.__container = enum
279 - def __reduce__(self):
280 return (_deserialize_enum, (self.enum,
281 - def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
282 return self
283 - def __copy__(self):
284 return self
285 - def __repr__(self):
286 return '{0}'.format(self.__name, self.__value)
287 - def __str__(self):
288 return str(self.__value)
289 - def __int__(self):
290 return int(self.__value)
291 - def __float__(self):
292 return float(self.__value)
293 - def __hash__(self):
294 return hash(self.__value)
295 - def __lt__(self, other):
296 if isinstance(other, EnumItem): 297 return self.__value < other.value 298 else: 299 return self.__value < other
300 - def __eq__(self, other):
301 if isinstance(other, EnumItem): 302 return self.__value == other.value 303 else: 304 return self.__value == other
305 - def __ne__(self, other):
306 return not (self == other)
307 308 @property
309 - def name(self):
310 return self.__name
311 312 @property
313 - def value(self):
314 return self.__value
315 316 @property
317 - def enum(self):
318 return self.__container
320 - def _attach(self, enum):
321 assert getattr(enum, self.__name) is self 322 self.__container = enum
324 -class EnumMeta(type):
325 """ 326 Metaclass for enum types. 327 """ 328
329 - def __new__(cls, name, bases, items):
330 331 enumdict = {} 332 333 enumdict['_name'] = name 334 enumdict['_names'] = {} 335 enumdict['_namesci'] = {} 336 enumdict['_values'] = {} 337 enumdict['_valuesci'] = {} 338 339 for attribute in items: 340 value = items[attribute] 341 342 if attribute.startswith('_'): 343 enumdict[attribute] = value 344 else: 345 if value in enumdict['_values']: 346 raise EnumValueError('Duplicate value {0} in enum {1}.'.format(value, name)) 347 348 enumdict['_names'][attribute] = attribute 349 enumdict['_namesci'][attribute.lower()] = attribute 350 enumdict['_values'][value] = attribute 351 if isinstance(value, string): 352 enumdict['_valuesci'][value.lower()] = attribute 353 354 enumdict[attribute] = EnumItem(attribute, value, None) 355 356 enum = super(EnumMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, enumdict) 357 358 for attribute in items: 359 if not attribute.startswith('_'): 360 value = items[attribute] 361 enum.__dict__[attribute]._attach(enum) 362 363 return enum
365 - def __setattr__(self, attribute, value):
366 raise AttributeError("enum types are immutable")
368 - def __repr__(self):
369 items = list(self._names)[:2] 370 preview = [ '{0}={1}'.format(i, getattr(self, i)) for i in items ] 371 if len(preview) < len(self._names): 372 preview.append('...') 373 return '<{0}: {1}>'.format(self._name, ', '.join(preview))
375 - def __str__(self):
376 return repr(self)
378 - def __iter__(self):
379 return iter(self.__dict__[i] for i in self._names)
381 - def __contains__(self, item):
382 return item.enum is self
383 384 385 EnumBase = metaclass(EnumMeta)
386 387 -class enum(EnumBase):
388 """ 389 Base class for all enumeration types. Supports both string and integer 390 enumeration values. Examples: 391 392 >>> class MolTypes(enum): DNA, RNA = range(2) 393 <MolTypes: RNA=1, DNA=0> 394 >>> class MolTypes(enum): DNA=1; RNA=2 395 <MolTypes: RNA=2, DNA=1> 396 >>> MolTypes.DNA 397 1 398 >>> MolTypes.DNA == 1 399 True 400 >>> int(MolTypes.DNA) 401 1 402 >>> repr(MolTypes.DNA) 403 'DNA' 404 >>> type(MolTypes.DNA) 405 L{EnumItem} instance 406 407 @note: The recommended way to create an enum is to define a public 408 subclass of L{enum} in the global namespace of your module. Nesting 409 the enum in another class for example will break pickling. 410 """
411 - def __init__(self):
412 raise TypeError("Can't instantiate static enum type {0}".format(self.__class__))
414 -class Enum(object):
415 """ 416 A collection of efficient static methods for working with L{enum} 417 classes. 418 """ 419 420 @staticmethod
421 - def create(classname, **members):
422 """ 423 Dynamically create a new enum from a list of key:value pairs. 424 Note that each key must be a valid python identifier, and the 425 values must be unique. 426 427 @param classname: class name for the new enum 428 @type classname: str 429 430 @note: The recommended way to create an enum is to define a public 431 subclass of L{enum} in the global namespace of your module. 432 You should avoid creating enums dynamically if static 433 construction is possible, because dynamically created enums 434 cannot be pickled. 435 """ 436 437 return type(classname, (enum,), members)
438 439 @staticmethod
440 - def members(enumclass):
441 """ 442 Return all member items of the C{enumclass}. 443 444 @param enumclass: the enumeration class to traverse 445 @type enumclass: type 446 447 @return: a set of all enumclass members 448 @rtype: frozenset 449 """ 450 return frozenset([enumclass.__dict__[i] for i in enumclass._names])
451 452 @staticmethod
453 - def names(enumclass):
454 """ 455 Return the names of all items in the C{enumclass}. 456 457 @param enumclass: the enumeration class to traverse 458 @type enumclass: type 459 460 @return: a set of all enumclass member names 461 @rtype: frozenset 462 """ 463 return frozenset(enumclass._names)
464 465 @staticmethod
466 - def values(enumclass):
467 """ 468 Return all values of the C{enumclass}. 469 470 @param enumclass: the enumeration class to traverse 471 @type enumclass: type 472 473 @return: a set of all enum values 474 @rtype: frozenset 475 """ 476 return frozenset(enumclass._values)
477 478 @staticmethod
479 - def parse(enumclass, value, ignore_case=True):
480 """ 481 Parse C{value} as an C{enumclass} member value. 482 483 @param enumclass: target L{enum} subclass 484 @type enumclass: type 485 @type value: str, int, float 486 @param ignore_case: if set to True, triggers case insensitive parsing 487 @type ignore_case: bool 488 489 @return: a member of enumclass, having such value 490 @rtype: L{EnumItem} 491 492 @raise EnumValueError: when such value is not found in enumclass 493 """ 494 495 if isinstance(value, string) and ignore_case: 496 values = enumclass._valuesci 497 value = value.lower() 498 else: 499 values = enumclass._values 500 501 if value in values: 502 return enumclass.__dict__[ values[value] ] 503 else: 504 raise EnumValueError('No such value {0} in {1}'.format(value, enumclass))
505 506 @staticmethod
507 - def parsename(enumclass, name, ignore_case=True):
508 """ 509 Parse C{name} as a member of C{enumclass}. 510 511 @param enumclass: target L{enum} subclass 512 @type enumclass: type 513 @param name: enumclass member name to parse 514 @type name: str 515 @param ignore_case: if set to True, triggers case insensitive parsing 516 @type ignore_case: bool 517 518 @return: a member of enumclass, having such name 519 @rtype: L{EnumItem} 520 521 @raise EnumValueError: when such name is not found in enumclass's members 522 """ 523 524 if isinstance(name, string) and ignore_case: 525 names = enumclass._namesci 526 name = name.lower() 527 else: 528 names = enumclass._names 529 530 if name in names: 531 return enumclass.__dict__[ names[name] ] 532 else: 533 raise EnumMemberError('No such item {0} in {1}'.format(name, enumclass))
534 535 @staticmethod
536 - def tostring(item):
537 """ 538 Return a string representation of the enum item. 539 540 @param item: an enum item to be converted to a string 541 @type item: L{EnumItem} 542 543 @return: the value of the enum member 544 @rtype: str 545 """ 546 return
547 548 @staticmethod
549 - def ismember(item, enumclass):
550 """ 551 Return True if item is a member of enumclass. 552 553 @param enumclass: target enumeration type 554 @type enumclass: type 555 @param item: the enum item to be tested 556 @type item: L{EnumItem} 557 @rtype: bool 558 """ 559 if not issubclass(enumclass, enum): 560 raise TypeError(enumclass) 561 return item.enum is enumclass
563 -class ItemNotFoundError(KeyError):
564 pass
566 -class InvalidKeyError(KeyError):
567 pass
569 -class DuplicateKeyError(InvalidKeyError):
570 pass
572 -class AbstractIndexer(object):
573 574 @abstractmethod
575 - def __getitem__(self, i):
576 pass
577 578 @abstractmethod
579 - def _getinternal(self, i):
580 """ 581 Implementing classes are expected to provide direct access to the 582 requested element in the internal data structure via this method. 583 """ 584 pass
586 -class BaseDictionaryContainer(AbstractIndexer):
587 """ 588 Base class which defines the behavior of a read only key-value collection 589 container. 590 591 @note: Methods for editing an existing dictionary are also defined in the 592 base class, but left internal on purpose. Subclasses which are 593 supposed to be write-enabled containers must provide their own 594 public methods for editing which might do some custom work and then 595 finally call any of the internal methods in the base class to do the 596 real data editing. 597 598 @param items: an initialization dictionary 599 @param restrict: a list of keys allowed for this dictionary 600 """ 601
602 - def __init__(self, items=None, restrict=None):
603 604 self._keys = None 605 self._items = OrderedDict({}) 606 607 if restrict: 608 self._keys = frozenset(restrict) 609 if items is not None: 610 self._set_items(items)
612 - def __getitem__(self, key):
613 try: 614 return self._items[key] 615 except KeyError: 616 raise self._exception(key)
618 - def _getinternal(self, key):
619 return self._items[key]
621 - def __contains__(self, item):
622 return item in self._items
624 - def __len__(self):
625 return len(self._items)
627 - def __nonzero__(self):
628 return self.__bool__()
630 - def __bool__(self):
631 return len(self) > 0
632 633 @property
634 - def _exception(self):
635 return ItemNotFoundError
636 637 @property
638 - def length(self):
639 return len(self)
641 - def keys(self):
642 return self._items.keys()
644 - def __iter__(self):
645 return iter(self._items)
647 - def __repr__(self):
648 return '<{0.__class__.__name__}: {0.length} items>'.format(self)
650 - def _set_items(self, new_items):
651 new_items = OrderedDict(new_items) 652 653 if self._keys and not self._keys.issuperset(new_items): 654 raise InvalidKeyError("One or more of the keys provided are not allowed for this collection.") 655 656 self._items = new_items
658 - def _update_items(self, new_items={ }, **named_items):
659 new_items = OrderedDict(new_items) 660 661 if self._keys: 662 if not set(self).issuperset(new_items) or not set(self).issuperset(named_items): 663 raise ItemNotFoundError("One or more of the keys provided were not found in this collection.") 664 665 self._items.update(new_items) 666 self._items.update(named_items)
668 - def _append_item(self, key, item):
669 670 if self._keys and key not in self._keys: 671 raise InvalidKeyError("Key {0} is not allowed for this collection.".format(key)) 672 if key in self: 673 raise DuplicateKeyError("Key {0} already exists in this collection.".format(key)) 674 self._items[key] = item
676 - def _remove_item(self, key):
677 678 if key not in self._items: 679 raise self._exception(key) 680 del self._items[key]
682 -class ReadOnlyDictionaryContainer(BaseDictionaryContainer):
683 """ 684 This is a write-once container, which is filled with items only at object 685 construction. 686 """ 687 pass
689 -class DictionaryContainer(BaseDictionaryContainer):
690 """ 691 Write-enabled Dictionary Container. New items can be added using a public 692 C{append} method. Subclasses may also override the internal C{_update} 693 and C{_set} to expose them to the clients. 694 """
695 - def __init__(self, items=None, restrict=None):
696 697 super(DictionaryContainer, self).__init__(items, restrict)
699 - def append(self, key, item):
700 """ 701 Append a new key-value to the collection. 702 703 @param key: key 704 @param item: value 705 706 @raise InvalidKeyError: when the key is not allowed for this container 707 @raise DuplicateKeyError: when such a key already exists 708 """ 709 self._append_item(key, item)
711 - def _set(self, new_items):
712 """ 713 Set the collection to the dictionary provided in the new_items parameter. 714 715 @param new_items: the new value of the dictionary container 716 @type new_items: dict 717 """ 718 self._set_items(new_items)
720 - def _update(self, new_items={ }, **named_items):
721 """ 722 Update the collection with the dictionary provided in the C{new_items} parameter. 723 Update also specific items with the values provided as keyword arguments. 724 725 @param new_items: a dictionary that provides new values for certain keys 726 @type new_items: dict 727 """ 728 self._update_items(new_items, **named_items)
730 - def _remove(self, item):
731 """ 732 Delete C{item}. 733 734 @param item: key to remove 735 """ 736 self._remove_item(item)
738 -class CollectionIndexError(IndexError):
739 pass
741 -class BaseCollectionContainer(AbstractIndexer):
742 """ 743 Base class which defines the behavior of a read-only collection container. 744 745 @note: Methods for editing an existing collection are also defined in the 746 base class, but left internal on purpose. Subclasses which are 747 supposed to be write-enabled containers must provide their own 748 public methods for editing which might do some custom work and then 749 finally call any of the internal methods in the base class to do the 750 real data editing. 751 752 @param items: initialization list 753 @type items: list 754 @param type: if defined, makes the container type-safe 755 @type type: type 756 @param start_index: the index of the zero element 757 @type start_index: int 758 """ 759
760 - def __init__(self, items=None, type=None, start_index=0):
761 762 self._items = [ ] 763 self._type = type 764 765 if not (isinstance(start_index, int) or start_index >= 0): 766 raise ValueError('start_index must be a positive integer.') 767 768 self._start = start_index 769 770 if items is not None: 771 self._update_items(items)
773 - def __fix(self, i):
774 if i is not None and i >= 0: 775 if i < self._start: 776 return None 777 return i - self._start 778 else: 779 return i
781 - def __getitem__(self, i):
782 try: 783 if isinstance(i, slice): 784 sl = slice(self.__fix(i.start), self.__fix(i.stop), i.step) 785 return self._items[sl] 786 else: 787 if 0 <= i < self._start: 788 raise IndexError 789 return self._items[self.__fix(i)] 790 791 except IndexError: 792 if len(self) > 0: 793 raise self._exception('Position {0} is out of range [{1}, {2}]'.format( 794 i, self.start_index, self.last_index)) 795 else: 796 raise self._exception('This collection is empty.')
798 - def _getinternal(self, i):
799 return self._items[i]
801 - def __contains__(self, item):
802 return item in self._items
804 - def __len__(self):
805 return len(self._items)
807 - def __nonzero__(self):
808 return self.__bool__()
810 - def __bool__(self):
811 return len(self) > 0
812 813 @property
814 - def _exception(self):
816 817 @property
818 - def length(self):
819 return len(self)
820 821 @property
822 - def start_index(self):
823 return self._start
824 825 @property
826 - def last_index(self):
827 length = len(self._items) 828 if length > 0: 829 return length + self._start - 1 830 else: 831 return None
833 - def __iter__(self):
834 return iter(self._items)
836 - def __repr__(self):
837 return '<{0.__class__.__name__}: {0.length} items>'.format(self)
839 - def _append_item(self, item):
840 841 if self._type: 842 if not isinstance(item, self._type): 843 raise TypeError("Item {0} is not of the required {1} type.".format( 844 item, self._type.__name__)) 845 self._items.append(item) 846 847 return len(self) + self._start - 1
849 - def _update_items(self, new_items):
850 851 if self._type: 852 for a in new_items: 853 if not isinstance(a, self._type): 854 raise TypeError("Item {0} is not of the required {1} type.".format( 855 a, self._type.__name__)) 856 self._items = list(new_items)
858 - def _sort(self):
859 self._items.sort()
861 -class ReadOnlyCollectionContainer(BaseCollectionContainer):
862 """ 863 This is a write-once container, which is filled with items only at object 864 construction. 865 """ 866 pass
868 -class CollectionContainer(BaseCollectionContainer):
869 """ 870 Write-enabled Collection Container. New items can be added using a public 871 C{append} method. Subclasses may also override the internal C{_update} 872 to expose it to the clients. 873 """ 874
875 - def __init__(self, items=None, type=None, start_index=0):
879 - def append(self, item):
880 """ 881 Append a new item to the collection. 882 883 @param item: the new item to append 884 885 @return: the index of the new element 886 @rtype: int 887 888 @raise TypeError: when the container is type-safe and item has an 889 incorrect type 890 """ 891 return self._append_item(item)
893 - def _update(self, new_items):
894 """ 895 Set the collection to the list provided in the new_items parameter. 896 897 @param new_items: a list providing the new items for the container 898 @type new_items: list 899 """ 900 self._update_items(new_items)
902 -class AbstractContainer(object):
903 """ 904 Defines the behavior of a high-level object, which can hold an array of 905 elements. Implementing classes automatically provide iterable and index/key 906 based access to those objects in a read-only encapsulated manner. 907 908 This is an abstract class with an abstract property C{_children}. Subclasses 909 must override this property. The overridden implementation is usually 910 extremely simple - you just need to return a reference to an iterable and 911 subscriptable object, containing the elements. 912 """ 913 914 __metaclass__ = ABCMeta 915
916 - def __getitem__(self, i):
917 return self._children[i]
919 - def __len__(self):
920 return len(self._children)
922 - def __nonzero__(self):
923 return True
924 925 __bool__ = __nonzero__ 926
927 - def __iter__(self):
928 for i in self._children: 929 yield i
930 931 @abstractproperty
932 - def _children(self):
933 pass
935 -class Container(AbstractContainer):
936 """ 937 Generic implementation of L{AbstractContainer}. Provides an easy way to 938 encapsulate class properties that behave like read-only collections or 939 dictionaries. This container is super lightweight and completely dynamic: 940 it serves as a proxy to an internal list or dict and stores no data in its 941 own instance. Owning classes are therefore free to modify those internal 942 data structures, which provides advantages over using 943 L{ReadOnlyCollectionContainer}s. 944 """ 945
946 - def __init__(self, data):
947 self._data = data
948 949 @property
950 - def _children(self):
951 return self._data
953 -class AbstractNIContainer(AbstractContainer):
954 """ 955 Same as the L{AbstractContainer}, but provides access to the child elements 956 through C{AbstractNativeIndexer._getinternal} instead of the standard 957 __getitem__. 958 959 Therefore, the C{self._children} property must return an object which 960 implements L{AbstractIndexer}. 961 """
962 - def __getitem__(self, i):
963 return self._children._getinternal(i)
964 965 try: 966 from collections import OrderedDict as _dict
967 - class OrderedDict(_dict):
968 pass
969 except ImportError: 970 import UserDict
971 972 - class OrderedDict(dict, UserDict.DictMixin):
974 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
975 if len(args) > 1: 976 raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got {0}'.format(len(args))) 977 try: 978 self.__end 979 except AttributeError: 980 self.clear() 981 self.update(*args, **kwds)
983 - def clear(self):
984 self.__end = end = [] 985 end += [None, end, end] # sentinel node for doubly linked list 986 self.__map = {} # key --> [key, prev, next] 987 dict.clear(self)
989 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
990 if key not in self: 991 end = self.__end 992 curr = end[1] 993 curr[2] = end[1] = self.__map[key] = [key, curr, end] 994 dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
996 - def __delitem__(self, key):
997 dict.__delitem__(self, key) 998 key, prev, next = self.__map.pop(key) 999 prev[2] = next 1000 next[1] = prev
1002 - def __iter__(self):
1003 end = self.__end 1004 curr = end[2] 1005 while curr is not end: 1006 yield curr[0] 1007 curr = curr[2]
1009 - def __reversed__(self):
1010 end = self.__end 1011 curr = end[1] 1012 while curr is not end: 1013 yield curr[0] 1014 curr = curr[1]
1016 - def popitem(self, last=True):
1017 if not self: 1018 raise KeyError('dictionary is empty') 1019 if last: 1020 key = next(reversed(self)) 1021 else: 1022 key = next(iter(self)) 1023 value = self.pop(key) 1024 return key, value
1026 - def __reduce__(self):
1027 items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self] 1028 tmp = self.__map, self.__end 1029 del self.__map, self.__end 1030 inst_dict = vars(self).copy() 1031 self.__map, self.__end = tmp 1032 if inst_dict: 1033 return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict) 1034 return self.__class__, (items,)
1036 - def keys(self):
1037 return list(self)
1038 1039 setdefault = UserDict.DictMixin.setdefault 1040 update = UserDict.DictMixin.update 1041 pop = UserDict.DictMixin.pop 1042 values = UserDict.DictMixin.values 1043 items = UserDict.DictMixin.items 1044 iterkeys = UserDict.DictMixin.iterkeys 1045 itervalues = UserDict.DictMixin.itervalues 1046 iteritems = UserDict.DictMixin.iteritems 1047
1048 - def __repr__(self):
1049 if not self: 1050 return '{0}()'.format(self.__class__.__name__) 1051 return '{0}({1!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.items())
1053 - def copy(self):
1054 return self.__class__(self)
1055 1056 @classmethod
1057 - def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None):
1058 d = cls() 1059 for key in iterable: 1060 d[key] = value 1061 return d
1063 - def __eq__(self, other):
1064 if isinstance(other, OrderedDict): 1065 return len(self)==len(other) and self.items() == other.items() 1066 return dict.__eq__(self, other)
1068 - def __ne__(self, other):
1069 return not self == other