CSB Development

Setting up the project

You will need to install a git client first.

Getting the source

Once you have git, checkout the entire project:

$ git clone https://github.com/csb-toolbox/CSB.git

This will create a project called “CSB” in the current directory. For committing any changes, you will also need to provide your GitHub username and password or setup SSH authentication.

Next, install all dependencies and the package in editable mode:

$ pip install --editable .[dev]

Using PyCharm

Open the CSB folder in PyCharm. Don’t commit any .idea files.


Use csb.build to build, test and package the entire project:

$ python csb/build.py -o <output directory>

Continuous Integration

See this article: Build Automation and Deployment.


You should run the complete test suite before each commit. All CSB tests are executed with the csb.test.Console. To execute all tests:

$ csb-test "csb.test.cases.*"

or just:

$ csb-test         

To execute test suites for spefic modules only:

$ csb-test "csb.test.cases.module1.*" "csb.test.cases.module2"...

Run with “-h” for help. For more details on our test framework, including guidelines for writing unit test, please refer to the API documentation, package csb.test.

You should also test the syntax of your docstrings before each commit:

$ epydoc --html -v -o /tmp --name CSB --fail-on-error --fail-on-warning --fail-on-docstring-warning csb

For convenience, you can run test.sh before pushing code to the repository to make sure that all test cases and docstring checks pass.


We have embraced a Test-driven development (TDD) approach. That is, all new features and bug fixes must be accompanied by corresponding test cases in a subpackage of csb.test.cases. For more details on this opic please read the API documentation, package csb.test.

Style Guide


Commit Messages

You should always provide a message for each commit. Commit comments should follow the general Mercurial guidelines:

Fixed issue #00010: SomeObject crashes with an exception for structures with no title

 - added a new Structure.xxxx property

 - SomeObject will now check for empty titles

 - added regression tests	

Coding Style, Commenting and Formatting

Format your code using 4-spaces indentation (not tabs). In Eclipse just use {“Ctrl+Shift+F”}. Your code should follow the PEP8 style guide strictly. Here is a summary:

Here is a code template:

Module short summary.

Module multi-line description...

import module1
import module2

from module3 import ObjectOne, ObjectTwo
from module4 import ObjectThree

class ClassName(object):
    Class description...
    ... ends here.

    @param param_name: description
    @type param_name: L{SomeObject} or built-in (str, int, etc)

    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    CONSTANT_NAME = value

    def __init__(self, param_name):
        self._private_field = None

    def property_name(self):
        return self._private_field
    def property_name(self, value):
        # validate value here...
        self._property_name = value

    def method_name(self, param_name)
        @param param_name: description
        @type param_name: L{SomeObject} or built-in (str, int, etc)

        @return: description of @rtype
        @rtype: L{SomeObject} or built-in (str, int, etc)
        @raise ExceptionName: condition

    def abstract_method_name(self, param_name):

    def static_method_name(param_name):